Marketing in Romanian Sports Upgrade Sports’ Marketing Policies


  • Gheorghe Jinga The Bucharest University of Economic Studies


distribution, marketing mix, placement, strategic planning


The elements of sports marketing mix are the traditional marketing ones involving a sports product price and placement strategies as well as their association with promotion activities regarding advertising, endorsement, PR, personal sales and so on.Of the base activities of sports marketing is developing product and service strategies. When thinking up a product strategy, one must consider all decisions regarding licensing, merchandising, labeling and packaging. One of the most important and sensitive problem today’s marketing managers must attend to is setting sports products and services prices. Price strategies include setting price objectives, price setting technique selection and price evolution over time. Services characteristics, as well as those of endorsements deeply influence a company marketing policy. Not all marketing mix variables can be adjusted on short term. On short term, a company can adjust prices, sales force size and advertising spending, while on long term, objectives are closely tied to modifying distribution channels and creating new products.




How to Cite

Jinga, G. (2014). Marketing in Romanian Sports Upgrade Sports’ Marketing Policies. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(3), 412-427. Retrieved from


