Marketing in Romanian Sport Development. Compiling Plans and Marketing Strategies for Sport Clubs


  • Gheorghe Jinga The Bucharest University of Economic Studies


compiling plans, consumer satisfaction, marketing strategies, market position, sport development


Dealing with an increasingly turbulent environment that is also characterized by an increasing competitiveness level, managers start realizing that environment adaptation and taking advantage of opportunities demands a strategic approach regarding all actions meant for gaining a favorable market position on the sports market. As a result, marketing strategic planning becomes a key instrument for achieving this goal and also for identifying any competitive advantage source. Understanding marketing strategy role allows awareness for applying strategies in current enterprise activity.

By using strategic planning, an organization will be able to reach its targets by applying viable marketing strategies meant to place the company in a more favorable place than its competitors.

A market oriented organization frequently uses “marketing planning” both in day-to-day activities and by actually applying the concept – this is done by orienting all activities on consumer satisfaction and competitor analysis.




How to Cite

Jinga, G. (2014). Marketing in Romanian Sport Development. Compiling Plans and Marketing Strategies for Sport Clubs. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(1), 17-32. Retrieved from


