Events strategies to increase competitiveness by the organizations that communicate through events


  • Daniel Moise The Bucharest University of Economic Studies


competitiveness, communication channels, events strategies


The identification of the factors that influence the features that characterize the events realized by the organizations, for and from Romania, in order to increase their competitiveness on the European market, within a sustainable development in a regional context, given the dimensions of economic growth in Romania and ways to better the competitiveness of regions.

The use of different types of channels to communicate with the direct and indirect audience of an event, and new ways to extend the impact of the event upon the audience, with a view to changing their behavior and perception towards the organization. 




How to Cite

Moise, D. (2015). Events strategies to increase competitiveness by the organizations that communicate through events. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 5(3), 328-333. Retrieved from