Competitive and Anti-Competitive Behavior of Organizations from a Marketing Perspective


  • Anca Francisca Cruceru The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Daniel Moise The Bucharest University of Economic Studies


competitive and anti-competitive behavior, competitive rivalry, marketing capabilities, marketing strategy


Managers of organizations have always sought the best decisions to achieve positive results in their activity.

 From a marketing perspective, the adoption of managerial decisions requires careful analysis of the target market to discover and capitalize on opportunities, and knowledge of direct competitors that operate within that field of activity. Directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously, organizations develop competitive behavior caused by the use of a range of methods, techniques and marketing strategies. It is desirable that this market-oriented behavior be adopted consciously focused on achieving performance targets and aiming at finally getting a competitive position on the relevant market. Through the implementation of marketing strategies can be achieved marketing objectives of the organization. But at the same time, increasing competition causes a strong competitive rivalry between these organizations and as a result, some of them will resort to anti-competitive behavior from a desire to gain market supremacy. These anti-competitive behavior seriously affects the competitive environment and consumers. This article, based on the literature in the field, shows the types of competitive and anti-competitive behavior and proposes a set of recommendations for the implementation of marketing strategies which will position the organization among the best performing competitors on the market.




How to Cite

Cruceru, A. F., & Moise, D. (2014). Competitive and Anti-Competitive Behavior of Organizations from a Marketing Perspective. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(2), 179-184. Retrieved from