The Adjustment of Supply to Educational Institutions of Higher Education in Romania to Labor Market Requirements


  • Elena Irina Petrică “Transilvania” University from Brasov


higher education, university, educational offer, request, demand, labor market


In any economy, the labour market performance would depend largely on the linking of education and initial vocational training with labour market needs. Proactive connection to higher education to the labor market is a sine qua non for the development of human capital in terms of economic performance and competitiveness of a country. Studies highlight a double determination relationship of the level of economic and social development, and hence the structure of the labour market, the structure of the educational system. The changes occurring in modern advertising companies redefining the roles of education and diversifying its functions in the context of the impact of information technology and its effects upon knowledge. The role of education in the contemporary stage is definitive for the prosperity of society, but also to ensure the conditions so that every individual would have the opportunity to succeed and to affirm itself in a world in constant change.




How to Cite

Petrică, E. I. (2014). The Adjustment of Supply to Educational Institutions of Higher Education in Romania to Labor Market Requirements. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(2), 273-280. Retrieved from