Accessibility Issues Regarding the Sewage Systems in the North-East Region of Romania


  • Daniela Luminita Constantin The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Andrei Tudorel The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Constantin Mitrut The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Alina Elena Iosif The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Raluca Mariana Grosu The Bucharest University of Economic Studies


Services of general interest, Accessibility, Sewage systems, North-East region


This paper proposes an inquiry into the accessibility issue in relation to sewage services in the North-East region of Romania, so as to reveal the current state and the drawbacks, difficulties, barriers that have to be surmounted in order to increase the number of localities connected to the sewage network in the least developed region of Romania.  The research has been financed by the ESPON project 2013/1/16 “Indicators and Perspectives for Services of General Interest in Territorial Cohesion and Development” – the activity devoted to policy options and governance. The opinions from local representatives (LAU2) were collected using a questionnaire designed within the ESPON project for all envisaged regions in the participant countries. The localities were chosen using a series of selection criteria able to offer a comprehensive view on the main characteristics relevant for the presence/absence, density and quality of SGI in various areas of the region. After applying the questionnaire, a total of 108 questionnaires were collected from localities of all six counties of the North-East region of Romania. The results can serve for underlying the policy options in the next programme period with regard to financing the development of the infrastructure for SGI, sewage network holding an important place.

Author Biographies

Andrei Tudorel, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Department of Statistics

Constantin Mitrut, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Department of Statistics




How to Cite

Constantin, D. L., Tudorel, A., Mitrut, C., Iosif, A. E., & Grosu, R. M. (2013). Accessibility Issues Regarding the Sewage Systems in the North-East Region of Romania. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 3(4), 301-308. Retrieved from


