Service Innovation – Driver of the Regional Competitiveness in Romania


  • Alina Elena Iosif The Bucharest University of Economic Studies


cluster, service innovation, competitiveness, Romania


In order to highlight the connection between service innovation and the regional competitiveness in Romania, an overview on the most representative clusters within the eight regions of Romania was captured. Consequently, the data provided by the European Cluster Observatory and the development strategies at the national and regional level were consulted. Methodologically, the document analysis was used. According to the European Cluster Observatory, the ‘apparel industry’ is the most representative domain in which clusters are developed within all the eight regions of Romania. Apart of the domains in which clusters are already present, such as software, maritime, wood, textiles, and ceramics, Romania has started to be more visible in the high-tech area. Concluding, each region or Romania has its particularities, generating a diversity of domains in which clusters may be developed. One way of increasing regional competitiveness is by developing clusters that are constantly interested in progress and determined to stimulate (service) innovation.

Author Biography

Alina Elena Iosif, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Faculty of Business and Tourism




How to Cite

Iosif, A. E. (2015). Service Innovation – Driver of the Regional Competitiveness in Romania. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 5(3), 207-212. Retrieved from

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