The Use of Neuromarketing in the Study of Brand Related Mental Processes. Case Study – Romanian Food Brands


  • Dragoș Cîrneci Synergon Consulting
  • Alin Valentin Angheluță Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Delia Gheorghe Synergon Consulting


brand, consuming preference, food package, neuromarketing


The aim of our study was to see if there is a correlation between declared consumption of a food product and the activation of specific brain regions measured with fMRI when consumers are presented images with package of their preferred product. The study included 50 participants divided into approximately equal age groups and sex categories. We found that hemodynamic changes in the precuneus area of the brain were found to be positively correlated with whether or not participants consumed a certain brand, suggesting the brand triggered personal relevance. Also we found that there was a significant association between cerebral activations in the caudate nucleus and participants’ responses on the consumption questionnaire, proving the brand’s capacity to generate emotions. Our study is consistent with data indicating striatum activation as a brain correlate for consumption and/or preference. In addition, activation found in precuneus is a confirmation of the involvement of this brain area in the recollection and processing of self-relevant information and can be used for evaluating the personal relevance of a commercial, or other marketing-related stimuli. Neuromarketing tools demonstrate that can provide critical inputs to marketers and decision makers.

Author Biography

Alin Valentin Angheluță, Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Faculty of Marketing




How to Cite

Cîrneci, D., Angheluță, A. V., & Gheorghe, D. (2014). The Use of Neuromarketing in the Study of Brand Related Mental Processes. Case Study – Romanian Food Brands. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(2), 331-342. Retrieved from