Social Media and its Impact on Consumers Behavior


  • Elisabeta Ioanăs The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Ivona Stoica Romanian American University in Bucharest


social network, online buying, consumer behavior


Technology gives consumer the power to investigate products to label them and criticize them in equal measure, and more. Therefore many companies today have pages on social networks to complement the information held about products, held by the feedback of consumers about products and tend to relate more to a company after reading various reviews. The paper is related to the impact of social media on consumer behavior, therefore it has been made a quantitative research. The sample counted 116 respondents and from the statistical perspective, the conclusions were established in terms of the univariate and bivariate analysis. Following the analysis of the research variables we can make a consumer profile that uses social networks. Likewise, after doing the complex statistical analysis using SPSS and the analysis offered by the online platform the host of questionnaire, it can be seen how much it is influenced and the real impact of social media reflected in the behavior changes.




How to Cite

Ioanăs, E., & Stoica, I. (2014). Social Media and its Impact on Consumers Behavior. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(2), 295-303. Retrieved from