Dynamic linkages between Food Price Fluctuations and Exchange Rates: Evidence from Ghana


  • Daniel A Kanyam The University of Georgia


This study examines the causal relationship between food prices and exchange rates in Ghana based on monthly time series data for the period 2008-2013. The study uses the Granger causality approach based on the classical unit root tests and employs the Vector autoregression model (VAR) in the estimation. Two testable hypotheses were investigated: (1) Do exchange rates Granger-cause food price fluctuations? And (2) Do food price fluctuations Granger-cause exchange rates? The empirical results of the study show that there is unidirectional causal relationship between food prices and exchange rates in Ghana. The results suggest that there was causality from food prices to exchange rate and not the converse

Author Biography

Daniel A Kanyam, The University of Georgia

Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics

Doctorial Student




How to Cite

Kanyam, D. A. (2014). Dynamic linkages between Food Price Fluctuations and Exchange Rates: Evidence from Ghana. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(1), 43-57. Retrieved from http://ijept.eu/index.php/ijept/article/view/Dynamic_linkages_between_Food_Price_Fluctuations_and_Exchange_


