Modern Heating Systems - Population's View and Perspectives


  • Timea Demeter Transilvania University from Brasov
  • Gabriel Brătucu Transilvania University from Brasov


district heating, floor heating, heating panels, micro thermal plant, modern heating systems


Due to large changes in the extensive district heating networks in Romania, around the year 2000, the market for heating systems, presented new opportunities for private companies to start their activities in this field. The mainly demanded products were the micro thermal plants, due to their cost efficiency and the independence they provided, but with the disadvantages of high acquisition and installation prices, together with increased level of pollution. This determined buyers to focus their attention toward more modern solutions, such as, floor heating and radiant heating panels. Although these systems have been on the market for 5 years now, the majority of the population is still sceptical when it comes to using one.  Based on this, the aim of the paper is to determine the view Brasov’s population has on these modern heating systems, also providing a perspective for companies operating in this field.  In order to determine this, a quantitative research was conducted, on 300 households. Because modern heating systems entered the market just 5 years ago, a very small number of studies were carried out in this field, providing this research a high level of innovation. The results present the heating systems most frequently used by the population, the main criteria taken into consideration when purchasing, the amount of money people are willing to spend on it, together with the level of awareness of the population regarding modern heating systems, and the reasons for which they are reserved when it comes to buying one.




How to Cite

Demeter, T., & Brătucu, G. (2014). Modern Heating Systems - Population’s View and Perspectives. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(2), 230-238. Retrieved from