Buying and non-buying motives for Citroen cars: an approach from the perspective of the Romanian dealerships


  • Tudor Edu Romanian-American University
  • Iliuta Costel Negricea Romanian-American University
  • Cristina Popa former Citroen Romania employ


buying and non-buying motives, in-depth interview, Citroen, Romania


The paper is focused on uncovering buying and non-buying motives for Citroen cars. As a research instrument, in-depth interviews were used to collect data from the sales managers of all 17 Citroen car dealerships in Romania. The findings offer some ideas of what individuals look for when purchasing a car and what the perceptions, attitudes and motives about Citroen are amongst the actual clients and prospects. According to the conclusions, Citroen is a popular car among people with previous experiences with the brand, its strengths being the technologies used and the fine touches. The main downsides are the high price and maintenance cost, the perception that the French cars are less reliable and the low interest of the prospects in second hand cars from Citroen. Considering the identified strengths, Citroen should consider building a brand position in Romania based on technology and product specifications.

Author Biographies

Tudor Edu, Romanian-American University

Management-Marketing Department


Iliuta Costel Negricea, Romanian-American University

Management-Marketing Department


Cristina Popa, former Citroen Romania employ

Product Manager




How to Cite

Edu, T., Negricea, I. C., & Popa, C. (2013). Buying and non-buying motives for Citroen cars: an approach from the perspective of the Romanian dealerships. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 3(4), 294-300. Retrieved from


