The Implications of User-Generated Content Websites for Tourism Marketing


  • Irina Albăstroiu The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Mihai Felea The Bucharest University of Economic Studies


user-generated content (UGC), web 2.0, social media, tourism marketing, travel planning


User-generated content (UGC) is the basis for information sharing and collaboration over the Internet and these Web 2.0 tools have changed the ways that travelers search for, view and evaluate travel information. In marketing terms, UGC sites are effectively a form of “consumer to consumer marketing”. Consumer trust is a critical factor in marketing and for this reason, leveraging the thoughts, words, and images of real human being, with their permission, through user-generated content websites, can make brand, even tourism brand and destination, trustworthy.

In this context, our paper focuses on the implications of travelers’ use of these websites for the marketing of tourism services and destinations. First of all, a literature review was performed to illustrate the impact of UGC travel-related websites for tourism marketing. Then, a quantitative study was conducted for exploring consumers’ views on UGC in relation to travel planning. The aim of this web-based survey was to investigate how UGC websites are being used by Romanian young people and the impact that these websites are having on the information search and travel behavior of the Romanian tourists. In the end, our paper explains the impact of user-generated content on the travel decision-making behavior of the Romanian travelers, provides recommendations on how the travel and tourism industry from Romania may respond to the UGC phenomena to effectively meet the needs of the tourists and proposes ways in which UGC features can be integrated into Romanian travel websites for promoting our country as a tourism destination.




How to Cite

Albăstroiu, I., & Felea, M. (2014). The Implications of User-Generated Content Websites for Tourism Marketing. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(2), 222-229. Retrieved from