Strategic Orientations, Firm Capabilities, and Export Performance: An Empirical Analysis in Turkey


  • Hanifi Murat Mutlu Gaziantep University
  • Hasan Aksoy Gaziantep University


customer orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, brand orientation, export performance, Turkish gold jewellery sector


According to “Gold Jewellery Sector Reports 2012” which was made by Republic of Turkey-Ministry of Economy, Turkey is one of the global leaders in gold jewellery production and in gold jewellery exports. Turkey has approximately 500 exporter firms. In 2011, gold jewellery export sales was 1.8 billion dollars, import was 349.6 million dollars in Turkey. Main aim of this study is to investigate the relationships between strategic orientations (customer, entrepreneurial, and brand) and export performance in Turkish jewellery exporter firms. In addition we study the effects of firm capability (customer relationship capability and brand capability) on export performance. Therefore, the study tested the hypotheses and investigated both direct and indirect effects among the research variables. For testing our hypotheses, questionnaires were given to jewellery exporter firms by e-mail. We used convenience sampling method. The research hypotheses were tested by correlation and regression analyses. The results indicated that there were strong relationships among the research variables. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications of the study findings are discussed.

Author Biographies

Hanifi Murat Mutlu, Gaziantep University

Department of International Trade and Logistics

Hasan Aksoy, Gaziantep University

Department of International Trade and Logistics




How to Cite

Mutlu, H. M., & Aksoy, H. (2014). Strategic Orientations, Firm Capabilities, and Export Performance: An Empirical Analysis in Turkey. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(2), 214-221. Retrieved from