New Product Launch: A Critical Review and Research Directions


  • Gabriela Căpățînă The Bucharest University of Economic Studies


new product, launch, consumers, organizations, strategy


New product launch is one of the most important issues in business research today. For many years, conceptual and empirical research has been undertaken to explore the main fields of this area. The objective of this work is to summarize the most important findings in a compact and structured way. Therefore, this paper reviews the findings of empirical work and identifies 9 topics relevant for marketing science, which are classified under 3 research fields. The review begins with understanding consumers: consumer innovativeness, growth of new products and network externalities. The following section deals with understanding the relationship between new products launch and organizations and brings together the factors that influence the capability of firms to launch new product: organizational resources, demographics, structure and environment. The last section provides more complete understanding of launch strategies that are seen as combinations of strategic and tactical decisions. This paper tries to collect the main ideas on the considered issue, to highlight knowledge problems, and suggest directions for future research.




How to Cite

Căpățînă, G. (2014). New Product Launch: A Critical Review and Research Directions. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(5), 607-621. Retrieved from