Integration of Social Responsibility into Performance Evaluation Models by SMEs in Romania


  • Marieta Olaru The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Rodica Pamfilie The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Ionela Carmen Pirnea The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Timo Keppler Constantin Brancoveanu University


social responsibility, performance evaluation models, performance indicators, SMEs, Romania


The paper highlights some of the results of a study conducted by the authors in small and medium enterprises in Romania. The objectives of this paper are: 1) highlight current approaches in the literature on performance evaluation models for small and medium enterprises in the context of social responsibility requirements; 2) determination of the involvement degree of small and medium enterprises in Romania in social responsibility actions compared to large enterprises and the extent to which performance evaluation models are using indicators related to social responsibility. For this purpose current approaches are highlighted previously regarding the performance evaluation models defined in the literature for small and medium enterprises focusing on the typology and specificities of these models. We also analysed global concerns regarding the determination of performance indicators related to social responsibility in small and medium enterprises. As a result of this study the authors clarify aspects related to social responsibility in SMEs and argue on the role of social responsibility as a tool to ensure the competitive advantage of these enterprises. They analysed current performance evaluation models of SMEs concerning social responsibility in the context of economic and social developments worldwide. The paper further highlights the results of the study based on a questionnaire developed by the authors in small and medium enterprises in Romania in 2014 to reach the objectives, namely highlighting the involvement of these enterprises in social responsibility actions and to measure the performance evaluation models they use, are integrated indicators related to social responsibility. Research results have shown that SMEs in Romania are interested especially in terms of reducing and preventing occupational health and safety risks. However, SMEs are less concerned with: active involvement in community life, community perceptions on the social impact assessment of the organization and use of performance indicators related to the impact.




How to Cite

Olaru, M., Pamfilie, R., Pirnea, I. C., & Keppler, T. (2015). Integration of Social Responsibility into Performance Evaluation Models by SMEs in Romania. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 5(3), 256-263. Retrieved from