Education and its Influence on Corporate Performance


  • Lenka Kocifajová Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Žilina


education, performance, corporate performance management


Every company must continuously increase its performance. There are various methods, models and ICT solutions enabling a company improving its performance. Not only can a company increase its performance based on process management, innovations management and new technologies, but also based on human resources development and education. The aim of the article is to describe how educational process in a company influences a corporate performance. The first part of the article deals with theoretical background regarding education, performance management and Corporate Performance Management. In the second part there is a model depicting interaction between current performance and a change in future performance triggered by educational process based on literature analysis. The third part deals with main problem which is how to manage particular components of educational process (preparation, realization and evaluation) in order to improve employees ‘performance as well as corporate performance. The summary of the article is in Conclusion.




How to Cite

Kocifajová, L. (2014). Education and its Influence on Corporate Performance. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(5), 910-917. Retrieved from