Current Conceptions of Marketing Activities in European Trade Companies


  • Marek Drzazga University of Economics in Katowice


new media, customer value, multi-channel marketing, mobile marketing, customer social responsibility


In the past years fundamental changes of the contents and center of gravity in the theory of marketing influenced by changes taking place in the environment of a company have been observed.

New conceptions that are employed by retail trade companies result from the changes taking place in the macroeconomic environment of these companies. Retail trade companies make frequent use of the following marketing conceptions: customer relationship marketing, customer value, multi-channel marketing, mobile marketing, customer social responsibility. The extent to which these conceptions are employed in marketing activities of trade companies varies and depends on, among others, the appropriate knowledge on the part of the companies’ managers, as well as on the resources of the companies and the line of business of these companies.




How to Cite

Drzazga, M. (2014). Current Conceptions of Marketing Activities in European Trade Companies. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(5), 726-733. Retrieved from