Culture and Religion in Marketing Communication


  • Nicoleta Popescu (Spârchez) The Bucharest University of Economic Studies


Marketing, Religion, Culture, Communication, Service


For the majority of the organizations, dialogue and communication, collaboration and cooperation, responsibility and competence, authority and trust in promoting the values, respect and loyalty represent one of the most important intangible values of the intellectual capital. In this period, the one of globalizing the business, the communication plays an essential role in the progress and development of any entity both internally and externally.

The development of the modern marketing presupposes the awareness of certain barriers of cultural and religious nature, and the communication represents a fundamental problem which can determine the success or failure of a very attractive product or service, by quality and price. Within the relationships with the external environment, there are several forms of communication whose challenge is the development of the image, values, products and services specific to the organization.

Considering the forms of external communication of any organization, but also the strategic actions regarding the development and the diversification of the goods and services, the objective of this step consists in understanding the influences of certain particularities regarding the race, nationalism, history, territory, religion, language and other cultural aspects. In this regard, it will be presented a qualitative research, based on an interview that determines the most important communications channels necessary for launching a new concept of service in our country.




How to Cite

Popescu (Spârchez), N. (2014). Culture and Religion in Marketing Communication. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(5), 743-751. Retrieved from