Consumer Satisfaction in the Healthcare Sector. A Critical Review of Some Empirical Studies


  • Mădălina-Alexandra Coțiu Babeș-Bolyai University


patient satisfaction, healthcare, marketing


Consumer satisfaction represents one of the guiding principles of marketing as organisations survive and prosper only by meeting the needs of their customers. A multitude of studies exist as to the definitions and determinants of consumer satisfaction. Yet, the subject of patient satisfaction with healthcare services has been less researched although its importance cannot be questioned. Consumer satisfaction in this area is particularly important in order to achieve greater involvement of the consumer in the healthcare process, patient compliance or avoiding that dissatisfied patients decide to receive their healthcare treatments from elsewhere. The issue is also a very complex one due to the particular nature of healthcare as a highly complex professional service which cannot always present a clear outcome. This makes it difficult for the actual competence of those providing medical care or the effectiveness of the treatment to be judged. Furthermore, a consensus in the literature as to what is and what determines patient satisfaction with healthcare services is still far from being reached. This article takes on the challenge and aims to critically analyse several empirical studies conducted on patient satisfaction in order to identify and discuss definitions and determinants of patient satisfaction while at the same time suggest areas for further research. Results show that although a considerable number of determinants have been identified, the lack of a commonly agreed theoretical framework demands further research and conceptualisation in order to ensure future development in the field.




How to Cite

Coțiu, M.-A. (2014). Consumer Satisfaction in the Healthcare Sector. A Critical Review of Some Empirical Studies. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(2), 168-178. Retrieved from