Characteristics of Slovak Consumer Based on Their Brand Preferences


  • Lucia Vilcekova


buying behavior, brand preferences, domestic brands, foreign brands, Slovak consumers


Abstract. The aim of this paper is to describe Slovak consumers based on their brand preferences in terms of domestic versus foreign brands. First insights into branding and country of origin as one element of a brand are provides, followed by importance of segmentation as a basis for primary research is described. In order to characterize consumer behavior of Slovaks, a representative primary research was conducted on a sample of 1067 consumers. We were able to determine 6 main factors that influence their brand buying behavior and by comparison of these factors, consumer segments could be described. In the biggest segment are consumers who prefer Slovak products, followed by cluster of those who do not care about brands and make their purchase decision based on price levels. Segment three is typical for consumers who prefer foreign brands. Segment 4 is typical for neutral feelings towards brands and in the last segment are consumers who like Slovakia and buy domestic products to support Slovak economy.




How to Cite

Vilcekova, L. (2014). Characteristics of Slovak Consumer Based on Their Brand Preferences. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(4), 480-485. Retrieved from


