Geographical Indications – New Opportunities for Exploitation of Moldovan Products on the Community Market


  • Natalia Mogol State Agency on Intellectual Property


agricultural policy, geographical indication, intellectual property, products with determined origin, quality systems, regional products


In the era of globalization more and more consumers around the world appreciate agricultural products with determined origin. To provide protection for these products and to avoid possible abuses several states gave them a legal form establishing systems of protection of geographical indications. In the contemporary period geographical indications are effective economic instruments for exploitation of regional products, especially foodstuffs. Concomitantly, geographical indications also perform numerous social functions. Given the specificity of the Moldovan economy, and proceeding from the European vector of development of our country strengthening the system of geographical indications is extremely important.

Author Biography

Natalia Mogol, State Agency on Intellectual Property

Trademarks and Industrial Designs Department




How to Cite

Mogol, N. (2015). Geographical Indications – New Opportunities for Exploitation of Moldovan Products on the Community Market. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 5(3), 233-239. Retrieved from