Environmental Stringency and Dirty Exports: an Empirical Analysis


  • Chamathka Jayawardane Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
  • Jagath Chaminda Edirisinghe Wayamba University of Sri Lanka


Environmental stringency, Gravity model, Polluting industry exports


The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  investigate  how environmental   stringency affects pollution  intensive  manufacturing  industry  exports.  Further,  this  study  aimed  to  find how  exports  of  these  polluting  industries  take  place  when  the  exporting  country  belongs to  a  certain  trading  group. An augmented gravity model was estimated separately for six pollution intensive manufacturing industries using panel data of 100 countries, during the period 2000-2004. The estimated gravity model showed a negative relationship with environmental stringency for three polluting industries which are Industrial Chemicals, Refined Petroleum Products and Non-metallic Mineral Products, during the period and also showed that these exports are high for the countries belong to some of the trading groups. The innovative feature of this study was its focus on bilateral polluting industry exports of 100 countries, in industry wise, which has not been covered by existing studies.

Author Biographies

Chamathka Jayawardane, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka

Research Student

Jagath Chaminda Edirisinghe, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka

Senior Lecturer




How to Cite

Jayawardane, C., & Edirisinghe, J. C. (2014). Environmental Stringency and Dirty Exports: an Empirical Analysis. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(6), 1018-1023. Retrieved from http://ijept.eu/index.php/ijept/article/view/Environmental_Stringency_and_Dirty_Exports_an_Empirical_Analys


