Developing an interactive model of academic communication


  • Alexandru Robert Mihaila The Bucharest University of Economic Studies


computer technology, communication, technology training, quality education, Romania, environment, Academy of Economic Studies, learning outcomes


This study results both from a theoretical perspective and from a practical need to adapt communication to the educational needs of students attending academic institutions. With regards to the theoretical point of view, the study follows the main steps of the literature, making a synthesis of the main ideas found, marking their usefulness. Practical perspective is based on a research study conducted on a total of 400 professors and almost 1000 students of the Academy of Economic Studies. This study aims to grasp the evolution of educational needs and identify the most effective ways of communicating. In addition, this study, in order to have an image as close to reality, the findings of revealed are based on quality management and results of studies performed at the Academy of Economic Studies, thus following the interviews held with staff of the organization.

Author Biography

Alexandru Robert Mihaila, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Teacher Training Department, Reviewer




How to Cite

Mihaila, A. R. (2012). Developing an interactive model of academic communication. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 2(4), 217-228. Retrieved from


