Beauty Will Save Us Hypothesis of European Structural Funds Use as a Tool to Create in Italy an Economic Model able to Create Widespread Wellbeing through the Exploitation of Beauty and Quality


  • Grazia Calabrò University of Messina
  • Simone Vieri University La Sapienza Rome


agricultural policy, economic development, rural economics, natural resources


The financial crisis erupted inUSAin August 2007 has been the main cause of a long period of global recession far and difficult to overcome especially in EU. Taking into consideration the duration of the crisis we can conclude that its nature is not cyclical but structural. It follows that the only opportunity to overcome the current recession is strictly linked to a rethink of development models which have determined this crisis.

Among the European Countries showing the greatest difficulties to overcome the crisisItalyis the Country whose economic and social system is particularly evidenced by the ongoing state of crisis.

In particular, the Italian productive system, traditionally based on small and medium size enterprises with strong territorial links, seems to suffer in particular the homologation and competitive rules based on production costs of globalization.

At the same time, in Italy, thanks to its territorial peculiarities, these weakness could be transformed in great opportunities to intercept the demand of beauty and quality, still growing on a large scale. The characteristics of Italian model can be considered as a concrete opportunity to create a new model of development based on the production of a widespread well-being through the exploitation of local resources. For this reason, the aim of this paper is the proposal of a model of territorial intervention as a valid response to the needs and potentialities of areas most affected by the crisis in line with programmatic framework and socio structural policies tools stated by the European Union for the period 2014-2020.

Author Biographies

Grazia Calabrò, University of Messina

Department SEAM

Simone Vieri, University La Sapienza Rome

Department of Management




How to Cite

Calabrò, G., & Vieri, S. (2015). Beauty Will Save Us Hypothesis of European Structural Funds Use as a Tool to Create in Italy an Economic Model able to Create Widespread Wellbeing through the Exploitation of Beauty and Quality. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 5(3), 200-206. Retrieved from