Analysing Design Features of Food Product Packaging through Consumers’ Choices


  • Smaranda Giușcă The Bucharest University of Economic Studies


design, food product, packaging


Packaging influences the consumers’ opinion and choices. This means that besides its functions of protection, containment, information, packaging must also fulfil of the role of advertiser and seller by appealing to the consumer’s aesthetic preferences through its design. An exploratory study is conducted by allowing consumers to choose their favourite food product packaging regardless of their opinion on the product contained. Their opinions are analysed according to the packaging design feature that attracted them. Results showed very diverse preferences. The high number of sugar products and non-alcoholic beverages present in the consumers’ choices underline the power of attractive design when the products belong to a product group with stiff competition. For some respondents, responses regarding the design features of packaging were in correlation with their opinion and preference for the food product itself. Consumers’ interest in ecology related features of packaging is low but expected to increase.




How to Cite

Giușcă, S. (2015). Analysing Design Features of Food Product Packaging through Consumers’ Choices. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 5(2), 124-129. Retrieved from


