Sustainability of Food Products Applying Integrated Life Cycle Tools


  • Angela Tarabella Faculty of Economics, University of Pisa
  • Barbara Burchi Faculty of Economics, University of Pisa


food industry, Life Cycle Thinking, SLCA, LCA, integrated framework


The agri-food industry is a significant resource for the European economy. However, the competitiveness of this industry seems to be at risk due to its many structural problems (i.e. extreme fragmentation, energy-related and service issues, low R&D investment levels). In order to boost the sector, European policy-makers have planned a number of actions aimed at promoting a research for a greater sustainability. One of the most significant actions is the use of Life Cycle Thinking tools, which allow for a quantification of the environmental and social impact, and cost of food production. To ensure the adoption of these tools, their application should be simplified, an integrated framework should be created for the measurement of social, economic and environmental impacts, and a vast dissemination of results should be developed. For this purpose, the Ecolabel mark use has also been extended, with the last revision (EC Reg. no. 66/2010), to food products.

Author Biographies

Angela Tarabella, Faculty of Economics, University of Pisa

Prof. PhD

Department of Business Administration

Barbara Burchi, Faculty of Economics, University of Pisa

Ph.D. student

Department of Business Administration




How to Cite

Tarabella, A., & Burchi, B. (2011). Sustainability of Food Products Applying Integrated Life Cycle Tools. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 1(1), 28-33. Retrieved from


